15 Quotes about Small Circle

Banyak orang masih menganggap bahwa punya banyak teman adalah hal yang baik. Hal tersebut memang baik. Namun belum tentu baik bagi semua orang. Ada pengalaman-pengalaman tertentu yang membuat orang malas memiliki banyak teman. Rasa pahit, kekecewaan, dan pengkhianatan malah membuat orang merasa nyaman dengan lingkungannya yang kecil serta terbatas. Jadi, small circle jelas tak selalu buruk. Siapa tahu kita malah lebih bahagia dan memahami diri sendiri ketika berada di dalam small circle?

I have to distance myself
to be in a better position then I will.

Fewer friends,
less drama,
keep your circle small.

Sometimes your circle decreases in size,
but increases in value.

The small circle of friends I have,
become smaller and smaller every new year.

You’re the sum of those you surround yourself with.
Keep your circle small.

My circle is small
because I’m into quality not quantity.

Protect your space and circle.
Invest in people who you know will feed you
just as much goodness as you do them.

A private life is a happy life.

I forgive people by forgetting about them.

I keep my circle small.
Not because I am afraid to talk;
Because I am afraid to be deceived.

Trust is hard to come by.
That’s why my circle is small and tight.
I’m kind of funny about making new friends.

I’d rather have a small circle of friends
who actually like me.
Than a lot of people pretending to care
though they secretly hate me.

Circle got smaller.
Vision got larger.

One good reason to only maintain a small circle of friends
is that three of four murders
are committed by people who know the victim.

Keep your circle small.
Do not be friend everyone you meet.
Do not get too comfortable and share your business with anyone.
People are fickle and many do not have good intentions anyway.

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